Lucie Goes Grocery Shopping

On a quiet street, Lucie is walking and smiling. She needs fresh fruits and vegetables today.

Dansin unea ruestreet calme,quiet Lucielucie marche.walk
Elleshe sourit.smiles
Lucielucie ahas besoinneed deof fruitsfruits etand légumesvegetables fraisfresh aujourd'
Auat the magasin,store elleshe entre,enters panierbasket àat lathe main.hand
Elleshe regardelooks at lesthe étalsstands coloréscolored avecwith
Pommes,apples bananes,bananas carottes.carrots
Quelwhat choixchoice difficile!difficult
Elleshe prendtakes dessome pommesapples rougesred etand dessome poirespears juteuses.juicy
Dessome carottescarrots orangeorange etand dessome courgetteszucchinis
Elleshe souritsmiles auat caissiercashier enwhile payant.paying
Missionmission accomplie.accomplished